39  Group Exercise 2

Learning Objectives
  • Group exercise - bring all the information together to prepare a presentation to be fed back to different stakeholders

39.1 Final presentation

The final exercise we’re going to get you to do this week is to prepare a 5 minute presentation to be presented to one of the audiences we used in Group Exercise 1:

  • Field epidemiologist
  • Head of a public health lab
  • Minister of Health
  • Concerned citizen

Again, we’re going to ask you split you into groups. Feel free to work with any of the three datasets we’ve worked with this week. Your presentation should include a brief background/introduction, a methods section (remember the Minister of Health may not care which version of TB-Profiler you used!), your results and some interpretation. Remember that the information you’ll be presenting needs to be tailored to your audience, which for the purposes of this exercise will consist of one of the presenters who will be briefed to try and behave realistically (within reason of course!).

The point of the exercise is to synthesise what you’ve learnt this week and get used to presenting your work to different audiences who may have different backgrounds and expectations. You have until the tea break to prepare your presentations and we’ll do the presentations with brief questions after tea before doing the final wrap up and Q&A.