36  Command-line AMR prediction

Learning Objectives
  • Apply a standardised workflow to predict AMR.
  • Interpret the summarised results from multiple AMR-detection tools.

36.1 Funcscan workflow

Here, we introduce an automated workflow called nf-core/funcscan (Figure 36.1), which uses Nextflow to manage all the software and analysis steps.

This pipeline uses five different AMR screening tools:

See Course Software for a more detailed description of each tool.

Along with the outputs produced by the above tools, the pipeline produces a TSV file, which contains a summary of the results from all the AMR tools used:

  • hamronization_combined_report.tsv - produced by a software called hAMRonization

This is convenient, as we can obtain the results from multiple approaches in one step.

36.2 Running nf-core/funcscan

Figure 36.1: Overview of the nf-core/funcscan workflow. In our case we will run the “Antimicrobial Resistance Genes (ARGs)” analysis, shown in yellow. Image source: https://nf-co.re/funcscan/1.1.2

We are going to use the assemblies we generated for S. pneumoniae using the assembleBAC pipeline as input for funcscan and these are located in preprocessed/assemblebac/assemblies

The funcscan pipeline requires us to prepare a samplesheet CSV file with information about the samples we want to analyse. Two columns are required:

  • sample –> a sample name of our choice (we will use the same name that we used for the assembly).
  • fasta –> the path to the FASTA file corresponding to that sample.

You can create this file using a spreadsheet software such as Excel, making sure to save the file as a CSV. To to get you started in creating this file, we can save a list of our assembly file names into a file:

ls preprocessed/assemblebac/assemblies/*.fa | head -n 5 > samplesheet_funcscan.csv

In this case, we only list the first five files (head -n 5), to save time when running the pipeline. In your own data, you should get all the files.

We then open this file in Excel and edit it further to have the two columns examplined above. Here is our final samplesheet:


Once we have the samplesheet ready, we can run the nf-core/funcscan workflow using the following commands:

# activate the environment
mamba activate nextflow

# create output directory
mkdir -p results/funcscan

# run the pipeline
nextflow run nf-core/funcscan \
  -profile singularity \
  --max_memory 16.GB --max_cpus 8 \
  --input SAMPLESHEET \
  --run_arg_screening \

The options we used are:

  • -profile singularity - indicates we want to use the Singularity program to manage all the software required by the pipeline (another option is to use docker). See Data & Setup for details about their installation.
  • --max_memory and --max_cpus - sets the available RAM memory and CPUs. You can check this with the commands free -h and nproc --all, respectively.
  • --input - the samplesheet with the input files, as explained above.
  • --outdir - the output directory for the results.
  • --run_arg_screening - indicates we want to run the “antimicrobial resistance gene screening tools”. There are also options to run antimicrobial peptide and biosynthetic gene cluster screening (see documentation).
  • --arg_skip_deeparg - this skips a step in the analysis which uses the software DeepARG. We did this simply because this software takes a very long time to run. But in a real analysis you may want to leave this option on.
Exercise: Running funcscan

Your next task is to run the funcscan pipeline on your data. In the folder scripts (within your analysis directory) you will find a script named 07-run_funcscan.sh. This script contains the code to run funcscan.

  • Edit this script, adjusting it to fit your input files and the name of your output directory.

  • Activate the nextflow software environment.

  • Run the script using bash scripts/07-run_funcscan.sh.

While the pipeline runs, you will get a progress printed on the screen, and then a message once it finishes.

The fixed script is:


# create output directory
mkdir results/funcscan

# run the pipeline
nextflow run nf-core/funcscan \
  -profile singularity \
  --max_memory 16.GB --max_cpus 8 \
  --input samplesheet_funcscan.csv \
  --outdir results/funcscan \
  --run_arg_screening \

We ran the script as instructed using:

bash scripts/07-run_funcscan.sh

While it was running it printed a message on the screen:

* Software dependencies
executor >  slurm (1371)
[cf/4d7565] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:INPUT_CHECK:SAMPLESHEET_CHECK (samplesheet_funcscan.csv)   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:GUNZIP_FASTA_PREP                                          -
[f5/5767a9] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:BIOAWK (ERX1501218_ERR1430840_T1)                          [100%] 50 of 50 ✔
[a9/164c9c] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:ARG:AMRFINDERPLUS_UPDATE (update)                          [100%] 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[8f/6d023e] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:ARG:AMRFINDERPLUS_RUN (ERX1501260_ERR1430882_T1)           [100%] 50 of 50 ✔
[6a/c9f0ce] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:ARG:HAMRONIZATION_AMRFINDERPLUS (ERX1501260_ERR1430882_T1) [100%] 50 of 50 ✔
[da/67f664] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:ARG:FARGENE (ERX1501226_ERR1430848_T1)                     [100%] 500 of 500 ✔
[79/73f7b3] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:ARG:HAMRONIZATION_FARGENE (ERX1501226_ERR1430848_T1)       [ 99%] 519 of 520
[0f/d47de8] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:ARG:RGI_MAIN (ERX1501263_ERR1430885_T1)                    [100%] 50 of 50 ✔
[21/06df72] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:ARG:HAMRONIZATION_RGI (ERX1501263_ERR1430885_T1)           [100%] 50 of 50 ✔
[eb/b67eca] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:ARG:ABRICATE_RUN (ERX1501218_ERR1430840_T1)                [100%] 50 of 50 ✔
[d6/e5fdd4] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:ARG:HAMRONIZATION_ABRICATE (ERX1501218_ERR1430840_T1)      [100%] 50 of 50 ✔
[-        ] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:ARG:HAMRONIZATION_SUMMARIZE                                -
[-        ] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:CUSTOM_DUMPSOFTWAREVERSIONS                                -
[-        ] process > NFCORE_FUNCSCAN:FUNCSCAN:MULTIQC                                                    -

36.2.1 funcscan results

We can look at the output directory (results/funscan) to see the various directories containing output files created by funcscan:

Directory Description
arg Contains the results of running the ARG sub-workflow
reports Contains the hamronization_combined_report.tsv file
multiqc Contains a html file containing summaries of the various outputs
pipeline_info Contains information about the pipeline run

36.2.2 The hamronization_combined_report.tsv report

The main output of interest from this pipeline is the hamronization_combined_report.tsv file, which contains a summary of the results from all the AMR tools used (make sure to use the version in preprocessed/funcscan/reports). You can open this file using any standard spreadsheet software such as Excel (Figure 36.2).

This file is quite large, containing many columns and rows. You can find information about the column headers on the nf-core/funscan “Output” documentation page. The easiest way to query this table is to filter the table based on the column “antimicrobial_agent” to remove rows where no AMR gene was detected (Figure 36.2). This way you are left with only the results which were positive for the AMR analysis.

Figure 36.2: To analyse the table output by hAMRonization in Excel you can go to “Data” –> “Auto-filter”. Then, select the dropdown button on the “antimicrobial_agent” column and untick the box “(Blanks)”. This will only show the genes associated with resistance to antimicrobial drugs.

36.2.3 Results from other tools

You can also look at the detailed results of each individual tool, which can be found in the directory preprocessed/funcscan/arg. This directory contains sub-directories for each of the 5 AMR tools used (in our case only 4 folders, because we skipped the DeepARG step):

ls results/funcscan/arg
abricate  amrfinderplus  fargene  hamronization  rgi

For each individual tool’s output folder shown above, there is a report, which is associated with the predicted AMRs for each of our samples. In most cases, the report is in tab-delimited TSV format, which can be opened in a standard spreadsheet software such as Excel. For instance, the AMR report from Abricate for one of our samples looks like this:

less -S preprocessed/funcscan/arg/abricate/ERX1501203_ERR1430825_T1/ERX1501203_ERR1430825_T1.txt
ERX1501203_ERR1430825_T1_contigs.fa contig00008 81930   83849   +   tet(M)  1-1920/1920 =============== 0/0 100.00  100.00  ncbi    NG_048235.1 tetracycline resistance ribosomal protection protein Tet(M) TETRACYCLINE

For this sample there was just one putative AMR gene detected by Abricate, associated with tetracycline resistance. These genes were identified based on their similarity with annotated sequences from the NCBI database. For example, the gene Tet(M) was detected in our sample, matching the NCBI accession NG_048235.1. This is annotated as as a reference for antimicrobial resistance, in this case to the drug “TETRACYCLINE”.

Command line trick

Here is a trick using standard commands to count how many times each drug was identified by funcscan:

cat preprocessed/funcscan/reports/hamronization_summarize/hamronization_combined_report.tsv | cut -f 10 | sort | uniq -c
  • cat prints the content of the file
  • cut extracts the 10th column from the file
  • sort and uniq -c are used in combination to count unique output values

The result of the above command is:

1 antimicrobial_agent

36.3 Summary

Key Points
  • The nf-core/funcscan workflow performs AMR analysis using several software tools. It requires as input a samplesheet with sample names and their respective FASTA files.
  • The results from the several AMR tools are summarised in a single report, which can be conveniently used to filter for putative resistance to antimicrobial agents.