General concepts in data analysis

Before we start, I want to emphasise that even though the data used in this course are from an ecological study, the principals you learn can be applied to any analysis of tabular data.

Data exploration workflow

When you are working on a project that requires data analysis, you will normally need to perform the following steps:


More information on this workflow can be found in the R for Data Science book. To understand better the workflow in the illustration above, let us go over each stage to see what each step entails:

  1. The first step in working with data is to first import your data into R. This connects the external file/database to your project in R.
  2. Cleaning or tidying the data will follow, which involves making sure that the data is consistent and that each row in the data set is an observation and each column is a variable.
    e.g. In the surveys data frame the month column specifies months as an integer from 1 to 12. The data set would have inconsistent data if there was a record in the data set that had a month specified by name, e.g. September rather than 9. A month of 0 or any other number that is not in the range 1 to 12 would have also made the data set inconsistent. Another common problem is capitalisation; the same word in the same column can be written with capitals or without; e.g. Bird or bird in the same taxa column is inconsistent data. During the tidying stage it is important to make the data set consistent and much as possible so that you can focus on the questions you are trying to solve in your analysis.
  3. Once the data set is tidy, we move to the transformation stage. To be able to transform your data you need to plan in advance what analyses you would like to perform on the data set and what plots you would like to create. In this way, you are able to plan ahead what variables/columns you will be using from the data set, what additional variables you will need to create and what variables you will not be using so that you can keep only the columns in the data set that are relevant for your analyses. By the end of the transformation process you will have a data set that is focused for your analyses and you can move on to the main exploratory mechanisms of this workflow which are visualisation and modelling. These two stages complement each other and when exploring your data you normally repeat these two stages several times.
  4. Visualising data is a powerful way to explore your data. Furthermore it helps you understand if there is any pattern in the data.
  5. Modelling the data involves applying statistics or other mathematical or computational models on your data to explore if there are correlations or patterns in the data set to help you answer the scientific question you are trying to solve.
  6. The last step in the data exploration workflow is to communicate your results. This is very important as you will need to be able to communicate your results to others to have a successful project.

All these stages in the data exploration workflow can be achieved by programming in R. In these sessions we will not look into the Model and Communicate stages of the workflow, but there are specialised courses available here at the Bioinformatics Training Facility that cover those topics. If you want to know more, see:

In the next sections we will be looking at the import, tidy, transform and visualise stages of the data exploration workflow by using one of the most popular packages in data science in R; tidyverse. We introduced this in the previous session and now we will see a lot more of its functionality.

Understanding data

To do in-depth data analyses, it is crucial you understand your data. So before we start doing any form of analyses we will first try to understand the data set that we will be using throughout this course. Let us first download the file and have a look at the data.

Thinking back to the structure of our R project, we have a working directory. Within the working directory we can create folders to organise our files. We are going to download some raw data and it is good practice to keep your raw data separate from other data, because that way you can always refer back to the data that you started with.

In this case we have already generated the relevant folders in the Getting started section, but in case you still need to do this, here is a reminder:

You can create folders straight from RStudio from the right bottom pane in the Files section > New Folder icon.

Remember to try and avoid capitalisation and spaces (use the underscore instead).

We are now ready to download the data, using the R function download.file() to download the CSV file that contains the data.

              destfile = "data_raw/portal_data_joined.csv")

Inside the download.file command, the first entry is a character string with the source URL (“”). This source URL downloads a CSV file from figshare. The text after the comma (“data_raw/portal_data_joined.csv”) is the destination of the file on your local machine.

The data set has the following columns, with each row holding information for a single animal:

Column Description
record_id Unique id for the observation
month month of observation
day day of observation
year year of observation
plot_id ID of a particular plot
species_id 2-letter code
sex sex of animal (“M”, “F”)
hindfoot_length length of the hindfoot in mm
weight weight of the animal in grams
genus genus of animal
species species of animal
taxon e.g. Rodent, Reptile, Bird, Rabbit
plot_type type of plot

Reading in data from a file

Next we need to load the data into R and look at how the data is loaded into R. We will use read_csv() from the tidyverse package to load into memory the content of the CSV file.

We already installed and loaded the tidyverse library, but if you have not, then use install.packages("tidyverse") to install it and library(tidyverse) to load it.

You can load the data using the following command:

surveys <- read_csv("data_raw/portal_data_joined.csv")
#> Rows: 34786 Columns: 13
#> ── Column specification ──────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (6): species_id, sex, genus, species, taxa, plot_type
#> dbl (7): record_id, month, day, year, plot_id, hindfoot_length, weight
#> ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#> ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

What this does is to use the read_csv() function to read in the CSV file that contains our data. the data should be in a data_raw folder, within your working directory. It then assigns the data to an object called surveys.

The statement doesn’t produce any output because, as you might recall, because assignments don’t display anything. It does give you information on how the data was loaded. Note that some columns are classed as col_double (numbers) and others as col_character (text). This can be useful and important information, because it tells you the type of data R considers it to be. It also helps you check your data. For example, if R would view a column as col_character but you know that it should only contain numbers, then you know that some of the data are probably text, meaning there are errors in your data that need a closer look.

If we want to find out how our data has been loaded, we can visualise the contents of the data frame by typing its name surveys:

#> # A tibble: 34,786 × 13
#>    record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
#>        <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1         1     7    16  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA
#>  2        72     8    19  1977       2 NL         M                  31     NA
#>  3       224     9    13  1977       2 NL         <NA>               NA     NA
#>  4       266    10    16  1977       2 NL         <NA>               NA     NA
#>  5       349    11    12  1977       2 NL         <NA>               NA     NA
#>  6       363    11    12  1977       2 NL         <NA>               NA     NA
#>  7       435    12    10  1977       2 NL         <NA>               NA     NA
#>  8       506     1     8  1978       2 NL         <NA>               NA     NA
#>  9       588     2    18  1978       2 NL         M                  NA    218
#> 10       661     3    11  1978       2 NL         <NA>               NA     NA
#> # ℹ 34,776 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

The first line of the output shows the data structure used to store the data imported into: tibble. A tibble is the main data structure used in tidyverse. You can look at tibble as the data.frame version of tidyverse. The first immediate difference from a data.frame is that a tibble displays the data type of each column under its name (handy) and it only prints as many columns as fit on one screen (even handier, otherwise it would print 34,786 rows!).

Exercise - Understanding data

Try to do the following:

  1. Find out what data types there are in surveys (numeric, categorical).
  2. Are there missing values in the data? If so, can you see how many?

Hint: you can use the summary() function to get more information on your data set


Using the summary() function gives us information about each variable with summary metrics (such as the average and quartiles of numeric variables). It also gives us information about missing values (NA’s).

# Each variable will come with its own summary statistics

For example, from this output we can see that we have 2503 missing values for “weight” and 3348 missing values for “hindfoot_length”.

Data frames

Data frames are one of the most widely used type of data structure in R. It is very popular as most of the data is readily available in tabular form and it is the also the data structure used when plotting and performing most analyses in R.

A data frame can be compared to what you would see in an Excel spreadsheet: a rectangular data set.

A data frame is the representation of data in the format of a table where the columns are vectors that all have the same length. Because columns are vectors, each column must contain a single type of data (e.g., characters, integers, logical). For example, here is a figure depicting a data frame comprising a numeric, a character, and a logical vector.

We can access the values of a single column of the data.frame using the $ notation, as such:


The result is a vector (not a data.frame), similar to what we created using the c() function in the Introduction to R section.

Therefore we can use functions such as the ones we used with vectors, for example to calculate the mean of this variable:

mean(surveys$hindfoot_length, na.rm = TRUE)

Now that we have loaded our data into R and understand its underlying structure, we can move on to doing some analysis!

Creating plots

One of the best ways of looking at your data is to visualise them. The function that helps you visualise your data is called ggplot().

The basic format for using ggplot() is as follows:

ggplot(data = <DATA>, mapping = aes(<MAPPINGS>)) +  <GEOM_FUNCTION>()

As you can see, there are 3 main elements that you need to create a plot:

The ggplot function takes 2 arguments:

  • data: This is the data frame to attach to the plot. The data frame must contain the variables to plot as columns and the rows must contain the observations that you need to plot.
  • mapping: Aesthetic mappings describe how variables in the data are mapped to visual properties of the plot.

Using the ggplot function on its own will not plot anything. We need to add a geom_function as a layer. Layers are added to plots by using +. They are added on top of the other previous layers that might be present.

  • geom_function: This specifies the type of plot would you like to plot. The greatest advantage of this is that you can easily change the plot type by just changing the geom_function and keeping everything else the same. You can see a whole list of plots that you can plot here.

Let’s practice this on our surveys data set. We would like to create a scatter plot with weight on the x-axis, hindfoot_length on the y-axis:

ggplot(data = surveys, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length))

Adding layers

If you just specify the ggplot function with the data and aesthetic mappings, it will create a plot, but the data itself is not displayed. Let us now add the geom_function for the scatter plot (geom_point()) as a layer to the plot:

ggplot(data = surveys, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length)) +

Exercise - Boxplot

The plot we created above was a simple scatter plot, which used the geom_point() function. There are many different types of geoms in ggplot and to explore this we would like you to create a box plot, using the same data set.

  • The geoms are named quite logically, so finding the right geom for a box plot should be OK
  • The scatter plot uses two continuous variables. A box plot should only have a continuous y-variable, so on the x-axis you should plot a categorical variable (think back of your summary() output!)
# There are different options for the x-axis
ggplot(data = surveys, aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length)) +

Transforming data - dplyr

In most of the cases you will need to change the format of your dataset because it will not be in the right format that you will need to plot or analyse the data. tidyverse has a package called dplyr which contains functions that help you to select columns/rows, sort, combine and perform other data types of data transformations. In the next sections we will look at different ways to transform our dataset. Now that we already know the basics of visualising data with ggplot we will also learn how to visualise other plots with the transformed dataset as we go along.

To learn more about dplyr please look at the following resources:

If you find these resources difficult to understand, return to these after completing the course.


Before we move onto the different ways that we can transform our data, we’ll discuss one of the most powerful additions to R, pipes.

Pipes let you take the output of one function and send it directly to the next, which is useful when you need to do many things to the same dataset. Pipes in R look like %>% and are made available via the magrittr package, installed automatically with dplyr.

Let’s say we are interested only in the data that do not contain any missing values. Using pipes, we do the following:

surveys %>%

This takes the argument on the left (surveys) and passes it on to the function after it (drop_na, which removes all rows with missing values).

If we want to create a new object with the transformed data we can assign it a new name as below:

surveys_complete <- surveys %>%


Although at this point pipes might not seem like a revolutionary invention, they become more powerful when combining multiple operations. This we’ll see next.

Selecting columns

To select columns of a data frame or tibble, use theselect function. The first argument is the data frame or tibble you are working on (in our example it is surveys, which we pipe through), and the subsequent arguments are the columns to keep.

# Extract species_id, weight, hindfoot_lenth, year and sex columns from surveys dataset.
surveys %>% 
  select(species_id, weight, hindfoot_length, year, sex)

To select all columns except certain ones, put a - in front of the column to exclude it.

# Select all columns of the surveys dataset apart from record_id and species_id columns.
surveys %>%
  select(-record_id, -species_id)

Filtering rows

To remove rows from a data frame or tibble use the filter function from the dplyr package. The first argument is the data frame or tibble to perform the filtering on (in this case we pipe the data through) and the next arguments are the conditions on which to keep the rows.

Filtering rows by values

To choose rows based on a specific condition, use the filter function as follows:

# Keep only the observations of animals collected from 1995 onwards from the surveys dataset.
surveys %>% 
  filter(year >= 1995)

You can filter on multiple conditions:

# Keep only the observations of animals collected from 1995 onwards
# that are female from the surveys dataset.
surveys %>% 
  filter(year >=1995,
         sex == "F")

To quote or not to quote?

The sex column is a character and thus needs to be quoted, whereas the year column is numerical and does not. Also note that the filter arguments could have been written on a single line, but it is useful to break up your code sometimes to make it more readable.

Exercise - Pipes

Subset the surveys_complete data to keep only the species_id, weight, hindfoot_length, year and sex columns and the animals collected on and after 1995. How many rows are left?


We can use the select() and filter() functions to achieve this:

surveys_complete %>%
  # Select columns
  select(species_id, weight, hindfoot_length, year, sex) %>%
  # Filter rows
  filter(year >= 1995)

The output of this command shows that we are left with 12484 rows of data.

Creating new columns

Often you’ll want to create new columns based on the values in existing columns, for example to do unit conversions, or to find the ratio of values in two columns. For this we’ll use the mutate function.

To create a new column of weight in kg:

surveys_complete %>%
  mutate(weight_kg = weight / 1000)

You can also create a second new column based on the first new column within the same call of mutate():

surveys_complete %>%
  mutate(weight_kg = weight / 1000,
         weight_lbs = weight_kg * 2.20462)

There are other ways on how to create new columns. Refer to the dplyr cheat sheet Make New Variables section.