4  Files & Folders

Learning Objectives
  • Understand the hierarchical structure of filesystems and how the location of files and directories is specified.
  • Recognise when / is used to specify the root directory or to separate directories.
  • Navigate the filesystem using the commands pwd, ls and cd.
  • Create, move, copy and remove files and directories using the commands mkdir, rmdir, rm, cp and mv.

4.1 Working Directory

The part of the operating system responsible for managing files and directories is called the filesystem. It organizes our data into files, which hold information, and directories (also called folders), which hold files or other directories.
These directories are orgainsed in a hierarchical way, which we can represent as a tree. Take the following image as an example:

Diagram of a filesystem representing three users' home folders as a tree-like diagram starting from the root `/` of the filesystem, then to a folder called `home` and finally three folders called `larry`, `imhotep` and `ubuntu`.

This is illustrating the location of the home directories for three users called “larry”, “imhotep” and “ubuntu”. We can see that each of their home directories is within another directory called home. And finally, the home directory is located in the so-called root of the filesystem, represented by a / slash. The root is the top-most directory where everything for our operating system is stored in (it’s not possible to go “above” this special root directory).

When we use the shell, we need to specify the location of files and directories using an “address” (similarly to how you specify an internet address to reach a given website). Let’s explore this from our shell terminal.
First let’s find out where we are by running a command called pwd (which stands for “print working directory”). Directories are like places - at any time while we are using the shell we are in exactly one place, called our current working directory. Commands mostly read and write files in the current working directory, so knowing where you are before running a command is important.


Here, the computer’s response is /home/ubuntu, which is our home directory, the default when opening a new shell terminal. The name “ubuntu” is our username.
If the user imhotep was logged in, they would see /home/imhotep as their default working directory.

Notice how the location of this folder is specified:

  • / at the start specifies the root of the filesystem.
  • home specifies the folder “home” within the root.
  • / is a separator between the “home” folder and the next folder.
  • ubuntu is the final folder specifying this location.

This way of representing file or directory locations is called a path.

The / Slash

Notice that there are two meanings for the / character. When it appears at the beginning of a file or directory name, it refers to the root directory. When it appears inside a name, it’s a separator.

Home Directory Variation

The home directory path will look different on different operating systems. For a user named “larry”, on a Mac it would look like /Users/larry, and on Windows C:\Users\larry.

4.2 Listing Files

We can see the content of our current directory by running ls, which stands for “listing”:

Documents    Downloads    Music        Public
Desktop      Movies       Pictures     Templates

The /home/ubuntu/ directory contains many familiar folders that are typical of a user’s home.

The data for this workshop is located in our Desktop, within a directory called data-shell. We can look at its contents passing a directory name as an argument to ls:

ls -F /home/ubuntu/Desktop/data-shell
README.txt  coronavirus/  molecules/  sequencing/  things.txt

4.3 Changing Directory

So far, we have been working from /home/ubuntu/. However, we can change our location to the Desktop/data-shell directory to do our work.

The command to change locations is cd (“change directory”) followed by a directory name to change our working directory.

cd /home/ubuntu/Desktop/data-shell/

We can check with pwd that we are in the correct directory. We can also run ls again to see the files within our current directory.

What if we now wanted to go to the molecules directory? We could do:

cd /home/ubuntu/Desktop/data-shell/molecules/

However, that’s a lot of typing! Instead, we can move to that directory by specifying its location relative to our current directory. So, if our current directory was /home/ubuntu/Desktop/data-shell/ we could just do:

cd molecules

In conclusion, there are two ways to specify directory names:

  • An absolute path includes the entire path (or location) from the root directory, which is indicated by a leading slash. The leading / tells the computer to follow the path from the root of the file system, so it always refers to exactly one directory, no matter where we are when we run the command.
  • A relative path tries to find that location from where we are (our current directory), rather than from the root of the file system.

We now know how to go down the directory tree, but how do we go up? We might try the following:

cd data-shell
-bash: cd: data-shell: No such file or directory

But we get an error! Why is this? With our methods so far, cd can only see sub-directories inside your current directory. To move up one directory we need to use the special shortcut .. like this:

cd ..

.. is a special directory name meaning “the directory containing this one”, or more succinctly, the parent of the current directory. Sure enough, if we run pwd after running cd .., we’re back in /home/ubuntu/Desktop/data-shell.

The ~ Home Shortcut

The shell interprets the character ~ (tilde) at the start of a path to mean “the user’s home directory”. In our example the ~ is equivalent to /home/ubuntu.

Tab completion

Sometimes file and directory names get too long and it’s tedious to have to type the full name, for example when moving with cd.
We can let the shell do most of the work through what is called tab completion. Let’s say we are in the /home/ubuntu/Desktop/data-shell and we type:

ls mol

and then press the Tab ↹ key on the keyboard, the shell automatically completes the directory name:

ls molecules/

If we press Tab ↹ again it does nothing, since there are now multiple possibilities. In this case, quickly pressing Tab ↹ twice brings up a list of all the files.

Alternatively, some people prefer that repeatedly pressing Tab ↹ cycles through the different file options. To set this up, see this StackExchange post: Terminal autocomplete: cycle through suggestions

4.4 Creating directories

We now know how to explore files and directories, but how do we create them in the first place?
First, we should see where we are and what we already have. Let’s go back to our data-shell directory and use ls to see what it contains:

cd ~/Desktop/data-shell
README.txt  coronavirus  molecules  sequencing

Now, let’s create a new directory called thesis_notes using the command mkdir (“make directory”):

mkdir thesis_notes

The new directory is created in the current working directory:

README.txt  coronavirus  molecules  sequencing  thesis_notes  things.txt

Note that using the shell to create a directory is no different than using a file explorer. If you open the current directory using your operating system’s graphical file explorer , the results directory will appear there too.
While the shell and the file explorer are two different ways of interacting with the files, the files and directories themselves are the same.

Complicated names of files and directories can make your life painful when working on the command line.
Here are some useful tips for naming your files:

  1. Don’t use spaces.
    Spaces can make a name more meaningful, but since spaces are used to separate arguments on the command line it is better to avoid them in names of files and directories. You can use - or _ instead (e.g. thesis_notes/ rather than thesis notes/).
  2. Don’t begin the name with - (dash).
    Commands treat names starting with - as options.
  3. Only use letters, numbers, . period, - hyphen and _ underscore.
    Many other characters (such as !, @, $, ", etc.) have special meanings on the command line and can cause your command to not work as expected or even lead to data loss.

If you need to refer to names of files or directories that have spaces or other special characters, you should surround the name in quotes ("").

What’s in a file name?

You may have noticed that all of the files in our data directory are named “something dot something”. For example README.txt, which indicates this is a plain text file.

The second part of such a name is called the filename extension, and indicates what type of data the file holds. Here are some common examples:

  • .txt is a plain text file.
  • .csv is a text file with tabular data where each column is separated by a comma.
  • .tsv is like a CSV but values are separated by a tab.
  • .log is a text file containing messages produced by a software while it runs.
  • .pdf indicates a PDF document.
  • .png is a PNG image.

This is just a convention: we can call a file mydocument or almost anything else we want. However, most people use two-part names most of the time to help them (and their programs) tell different kinds of files apart.

This is just a convention, albeit an important one. Files contain bytes: it’s up to us and our programs to interpret those bytes according to the rules for plain text files, PDF documents, configuration files, images, and so on.

Naming a PNG image of a whale as whale.mp3 doesn’t somehow magically turn it into a recording of whalesong, though it might cause the operating system to try to open it with a music player when someone double-clicks it.

4.5 Moving & Renaming

In our data-shell directory we have a file called things.txt, which contains a note of books to read for our thesis. Let’s move this file to the thesis_notes directory we created earlier, using the command mv (“move”):

mv things.txt thesis_notes/

The first argument tells mv what we’re “moving”, while the second is where it’s to go. In this case, we’re moving things.txt to thesis_notes/. We can check the file has moved there:

ls thesis_notes

This isn’t a particularly informative name for our file, so let’s change it! Interestingly, we also use the mv command to change a file’s name.
Here’s how we would do it:

mv thesis_notes/things.txt thesis_notes/books.txt

In this case, we are “moving” the file to the same place but with a different name. Be careful when specifying the target file name, since mv will silently overwrite any existing file with the same name, which could lead to data loss.

The command mv also works with directories, and you can use it to move/rename an entire directory just as you use it to move an individual file.

4.6 Copying Files and Directories

The cp command works very much like mv, except it copies a file instead of moving it. For example, let’s make a copy of our books.txt file:

cp thesis_notes/books.txt books_copy.txt
README.txt  books_copy.txt  coronavirus  molecules  sequencing  thesis_notes

Unlike the mv command, in this case the original file remains in the original directory:

ls thesis_notes/

4.7 Removing Files and Directories

The Unix command used to remove or delete files is rm (“remove”). For example, let’s remove one of the files we copied earlier:

rm backup/cubane.pdb

We can confirm the file is gone using ls backup/.

What if we try to remove the whole backup directory we created in the previous exercise?

rm backup
rm: cannot remove `backup': Is a directory

We get an error. This happens, because rm by default only works on files, not directories.

rm can remove a directory and all its contents if we use the recursive option -r, and it will do so without any confirmation prompts:

rm -r backup

Given that there is no way to retrieve files deleted using the shell, rm -r should be used with great caution (you might consider adding the interactive option rm -r -i).

To remove empty directories, we can also use the rmdir command. This is a safer option than rm -r, because it will never delete the directory if it contains files, giving us a chance to check whether we really want to delete all its contents.

Deleting Is Forever

The Unix shell doesn’t have a trash bin that we can recover deleted files from (though most graphical interfaces to Unix do).
Instead, when we delete files, they are unlinked from the file system so that their storage space on disk can be recycled. Tools for finding and recovering deleted files do exist, but there’s no guarantee they’ll work in any particular situation, since the computer may recycle the file’s disk space right away.

4.8 Wildcards

Wildcards are special characters that can be used to access multiple files at once. The most commonly-used wildcard is *, which is used to match zero or more characters.

Consider these examples referring to files in the molecules directory:

  • *.pdb matches every file that ends with ‘.pdb’ extension.
  • p*.pdb only matches pentane.pdb and propane.pdb, because the ‘p’ at the front only matches filenames that begin with the letter ‘p’.

Another common wildcard is ?, which matches any character exactly once. For example:

  • ?ethane.pdb would only match methane.pdb (whereas *ethane.pdb matches both ethane.pdb, and methane.pdb).
  • ???ane.pdb matches three characters followed by ane.pdb, giving cubane.pdb ethane.pdb octane.pdb.

When the shell sees a wildcard, it expands the wildcard to create a list of matching filenames before running the command that was asked for. As an exception, if a wildcard expression does not match any file, Bash will pass the expression as an argument to the command as it is.
For example typing ls *.pdf in the molecules directory (which does not contain any PDF files) results in an error message that there is no file called *.pdf.

Bash wildcards

The * wildcard is by far the most commonly used. However, there are other wildcards available, and you can find more information about them on the GNU Wildcard documentation page.

4.9 Finding Files

Often, it’s useful to be able to find files that have a particular pattern in their name. We can use the find command to achive this. Here is an example, where we try to find all the CSV files that exist under our data-shell folder:

find . -type f -name "*.csv"

In this case, we used the option -type f to only find files with the given name. We could use the option -type d if we wanted to instead find directories only. If we wanted to find both files and directories, then we can omit this option.

We used -name to specify the name of the file we wanted to search for. Similarly to ls, you can use the * wildcard to match any number of characters. In our example, we used *.csv to find all files with the .csv file extension.

Finally, we searched for files from the current location we were in. That’s what the . in the command above means: search for files from the current directory. If we wanted to find files in a different directory without having to cd into it first, we could replace . with the name of the directory we want to search from. For example, if you only wanted to search for CSV files in the coronavirus folder:

find coronavirus -type f -name "*.csv"

Notice how the sequencing/sample_metadata.csv file is not returned in this case.

The find command has many more options to configure the search results (you can check these with man find). One option that can sometimes be useful is to find AND delete all the files. For example the following command would delete all files with .txt extension:

find . -type f -name "*.txt" -delete

As you can imagine, this feature is very useful but also potentially dangerous as you may accidentally delete files you didn’t intend to (“with great power comes great responsibility”, as they say ). So, always make sure to run the command without the -delete option first to check that only the files you really want to delete are being matched.

4.10 Exercises

Navigating the filesystem


Using the filesystem diagram below, if pwd displays /Users/Robin/Documents/, what will ls ../backup display?

  1. ../backup: No such file or directory
  2. 2012-12-01 2013-01-08 2013-01-27
  3. original pnas_final pnas_sub

  1. No: from the diagram, we can see that there is a directory backup in /Users/Robin/.
  2. No: this is the content of Users/Robin/Documents/backup/, but with .. we asked for one level up.
  3. Yes: ../backup/ refers to /Users/Robin/backup.
File paths


Starting from /home/amanda/data, which of the following commands could Amanda use to navigate to her home directory (/home/amanda)?

  1. cd .
  2. cd /
  3. cd /home/amanda
  4. cd ../..
  5. cd ~
  6. cd home
  7. cd ~/data/..
  8. cd
  9. cd ..
  1. No: . stands for the current directory.
  2. No: / stands for the root directory.
  3. Yes: This is an example of using the full absolute path.
  4. No: this goes up two levels, i.e. ends in /home.
  5. Yes: ~ stands for the user’s home directory, in this case /home/amanda.
  6. No: this would navigate into a directory home in the current directory if it exists.
  7. Yes: unnecessarily complicated, but correct.
  8. Yes: shortcut to go back to the user’s home directory.
  9. Yes: goes up one level.
Renaming files


Suppose that you created a plain-text file in your current directory to contain a list of the statistical tests you will need to do to analyze your data, and named it statstics.txt.

After creating and saving this file you realize you misspelled the filename! You want to correct the mistake, which command could you use to do so?

  1. cp statstics.txt statistics.txt
  2. mv statstics.txt statistics.txt
  3. mv statstics.txt .
  4. cp statstics.txt .
  1. No. While this would create a file with the correct name, the incorrectly named file still exists in the directory and would need to be deleted.
  2. Yes, this would work to rename the file.
  3. No, the period(.) indicates where to move the file, but does not provide a new file name; identical file names cannot be created.
  4. No, the period(.) indicates where to copy the file, but does not provide a new file name; identical file names cannot be created.
Copy directories


Make a copy of the sequencing directory named backup. When copying an entire directory, you will need to use the option -r with the cp command (-r means “recursive”).

If we run the command without the -r option, this is what happens:

cp sequencing backup
cp: -r not specified; omitting directory 'sequencing'

This message is already indicating what the problem is. By default, directories (and their contents) are not copied unless we specify the option -r.

This would work:

cp -r sequencing backup

Running ls we can see a new folder called backup:

README.txt  backup  books_copy.txt  coronavirus  molecules  sequencing  thesis_notes


When run in the molecules directory, which ls command(s) will produce this output?

ethane.pdb   methane.pdb
  1. ls *t*ane.pdb
  2. ls *t?ne.*
  3. ls *t??ne.pdb
  4. ls ethane.*
  1. No. This shows all files whose names contain zero or more characters (*) followed by the letter t, then zero or more characters (*) followed by ane.pdb.
    This gives ethane.pdb methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb.
  2. No. This shows all files whose names start with zero or more characters (*) followed by the letter t, then a single character (?), then ne. followed by zero or more characters (*).
    This will give us octane.pdb and pentane.pdb but doesn’t match anything which ends in thane.pdb.
  3. Yes. This fixes the problems of option 2 by matching two characters (??) between t and ne.
  4. No. This only shows files starting with ethane..
Copy with multiple filenames


What does cp do when given several filenames and a directory name?

mkdir -p backup
cp molecules/cubane.pdb molecules/ethane.pdb backup/

In the example below, what does cp do when given three or more file names?

cp molecules/cubane.pdb molecules/ethane.pdb molecules/methane.pdb

If given more than one file name followed by a directory name (i.e. the destination directory must be the last argument), cp copies the files to the named directory.

If given three file names, cp throws an error such as the one below, because it is expecting a directory name as the last argument.

cp: target 'molecules/methane.pdb' is not a directory

4.11 Summary

Key Points
  • The file system is organised in a hierarchical way.
  • Every user has a home directory, which on Linux is /home/username/.
  • Locations in the filesystem are represented by a path:
    • The / used at the start of a path means the “root” directory (the start of the filesystem).
    • / used in the middle of the path separates different directories.
  • Some of the commands used to navigate the filesystem are:
    • pwd to print the working directory (or the current directory)
    • ls to list files and directories
    • cd to change directory
  • Directories can be created with the mkdir command.
  • Files can be moved and/or renamed using the mv command.
  • Files can be copied with the cp command. To copy an entire directory (and its contents) we need to use cp -r (the -r option will copy files recursively).
  • Files can be removed with the rm command. To remove an entire directory (and its contents) we need to use rm -r (the -r option will remove files recursively).
    • Deleting files from the command line is permanent.
  • We can operate on multiple files using the * wildcard, which matches “zero or more characters”. For example ls *.txt would list all files that have a .txt file extension.
  • The find command can be used to find the location of files matching a specific name pattern.