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1 Overview

These sessions are intended to enable you to perform additional data analysis techniques appropriately and confidently using R or Python.

  • Ongoing formative assessment exercises

  • No formal assessment

  • No mathematical derivations

  • No pen and paper calculations

They are not a “how to mindlessly use a stats program” course!

1.1 Core aims

To know what to do when presented with an non-standard dataset e.g.

  1. Know how to deal with non-normal data
  2. Know how to analyse count data
  3. Be able to deal with random effects

1.2 Core topics

  1. Generalised linear models

1.3 Datasets

This course uses various data sets. The easiest way of accessing these is by creating an R-project in RStudio. Then download the data folder here by right-clicking on the link and Save as…. Next unzip the file and copy it into your working directory. Your data should then be accessible via <working-directory-name>/data.