9  Practical

9.1 Discover an unknown genome in low complexity mixed community

In this practical we are simulating a virus infection that is caused by a completely unknown virus. In this simulated dataset a novel genome is hidden in the raw data with a huge background of human genome sequence. This simulates a real scenario when a pathogen is in the blood or other (otherwise sterile) body fluid. To make the bioinformatics step faster we generated the human “background” from chromosome 22, so the database will be relatively small.

9.1.1 QC and Pre-processing

The raw date quality control and pre-processing is going the same way as we did with the mixed community data, for the details on these steps, please refer to Day 2 practical material.

# Deactivate the metagenomics environment if you are in that
conda deactivate

cd sg_raw_data/
fastqc unknown_pathogen_R1.fastq unknown_pathogen_R2.fastq

conda activate metagenomics

-o unknown_pathogen_noadapt_R1.fastq -p unknown_pathogen_noadapt_R2.fastq \
unknown_pathogen_R1.fastq unknown_pathogen_R2.fastq

trimmomatic PE -phred33 \
unknown_pathogen_noadapt_R1.fastq unknown_pathogen_noadapt_R2.fastq \
unknown_forward_paired.fq.gz unknown_forward_unpaired.fq.gz \
unknown_reverse_paired.fq.gz unknown_reverse_unpaired.fq.gz \

9.1.2 Aligning reads to human chromosome 22

First let’s try to align our raw data to the known genome content (in this case the human chromosome 22 sequence). This is again going similarly to our Day 2 practical, first we create a Bowtie2 database, then perform the alignment.

cd sg_reference/
bowtie2-build -q Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.chromosome.22.fa human_chr22

cd ..

bowtie2 --qc-filter -p 8 --local -x sg_reference/human_chr22 \
-1 sg_raw_data/unknown_forward_paired.fq.gz \
-2 sg_raw_data/unknown_reverse_paired.fq.gz \
-S results/unknown_pathogen.sam

# Inspect the result .sam file
less results/unknown_pathogen.sam

If we look at the alignment result, we can see the aligning short reads to the human chromosome 22 reference sequence. Reads that are not aligning to the reference genome are also in the SAM file, but in this way not really in a usable format.

Extract reads that are not aligning to the human chromosome 22 for further processing


Refer to the command line help (bowtie2 -h) to read about the numerous options the application provides. Re-run the bowtie2 alignment step with the following modifications: - use all output fasta files from the trimmomatic output as unpaired reads - Find and use the option that prints out short reads that are not aligning to the reference genome - As we don’t need the alignment SAM file, find a way to “throw out” the SAM file during the alignment - name the output FASTQ file as unknown_enriched.fastq

bowtie2 --qc-filter -p 8 --local \
-x sg_reference/human_chr22 \
-U sg_raw_data/unknown_forward_paired.fq.gz,sg_raw_data/unknown_reverse_paired.fq.gz,sg_raw_data/unknown_forward_unpaired.fq.gz,sg_raw_data/unknown_reverse_unpaired.fq.gz \
--un sg_raw_data/unknown_enriched.fastq > /dev/null

Alternatively, you can concatenate all input FASTQ files into one input file to avoid the long comma separated list.

cat sg_raw_data/unknown_forward_paired.fq.gz \
sg_raw_data/unknown_reverse_paired.fq.gz \
sg_raw_data/unknown_forward_unpaired.fq.gz \
sg_raw_data/unknown_reverse_unpaired.fq.gz > unknown_unpaired_library.fastq

bowtie2 --qc-filter -p 8 --local \
-x sg_reference/human_chr22 \
-U unknown_unpaired_library.fastq \
--un sg_raw_data/unknown_enriched.fastq > /dev/null

9.1.3 Assemble the unknown genome

After eliminating the significant amount of human genome background from our raw data, we still only have the short next-generation sequencing reads for our unknown genome. In the next step we will use one of the most popular genome assembler SPAdes, the application that can be used for both single genome and multiple genomes (metagenome) assembly. After looking at the command line help, we will execute the spades.py script with very basic settings (input reads and output folder).


# Run the assembly using all the default settings, only giving the input raw data file and the output folder
spades.py -s sg_raw_data/unknown_enriched.fastq -o results/unknown_genome

# The assembly results will be in the results/unknown_genome/ folder, check the output files, logs, warnings
cd results/unknown_genome/
Investigate the output of the assembly step

Go through the output files of the spades.py script together with the trainers. Look into the log files, discuss the files that are worth to keep long term. Investigate the level of fragmentation of the assembled novel genome.

9.2 Peforming de novo metagenomics assembly on the mixed community raw data

In this practical session we simulate a completely de novo assembly of shotgun sequencing data. We will use the same raw data we used for the alignment based metagenomics practical. As this is a synthetic community we know all the 20 genomes we mixed together in them together with their relative abundance. You can check the species names in the FASTA headers of the sg_reference/mixed_bacterial_community_ncbi_genomes.fasta file and their relative abundancies in the sg_reference/mixed_bacterial_community_5M_abundance.txt file.

9.2.1 QC and pre-processing

The de novo assembly QC and pre-processing has the same first steps as any other pipeline on shotgun metagenomics data, as we did these steps already we will skip the FastQC, the cutadapt and the trimmomatic step and carry forward the files we generated during the alignment based metagenomics practical. While it is not crucial, but recommended to perform two extra pre-processing steps when we prepare the data for de novo metagenomcis assembly.

As the assembly step time and resource need is correlating significantly with the amount of input data, we can use methods to reduce the amount of raw reads without loosing important data. We will use the clumpify.sh script (from the bbmap package) to remove duplicates (PCR or optical). This algorithm removes completely matching reads or read-pairs.

# Be sure you have the metagenomics environment activated
# if not...
conda activate metagenomics


clumpify.sh in=mixedcomm_forward_paired.fq.gz in2=mixedcomm_reverse_paired.fq.gz \
out=mixedcomm_forward_paired_dedup.fq.gz out2=mixedcomm_reverse_paired_dedup.fq.gz \

In the next step we will merge overlapping reads (like we did in the 16S pipeline). The main aim of this is to reduce the amount of input sequence and to create longer merged reads that can help during the de novo assembly. We will use the flash application for this purpose.

flash --help

flash mixedcomm_forward_paired_dedup.fq.gz mixedcomm_reverse_paired_dedup.fq.gz
ls -ltr

The script generated 3 files, one for the merged reads (out.extendedFrags.fastq) and 1-1 for the non-merged paired-end reads (out.notCombined_1.fastq and out.notCombined_2.fastq). We will carry forward 3 files for the de novo assembly, two for the paired-end reads and one for unpaired and merged reads. Before we start the assembly we put all the unpaired reads (came from the trimmomatic step and the flash merge) into one file. Be aware that the merged file (from the flash step) is plain FASTQ file, while the unpaired files are gzip-ed, so needed to be unzipped.

zcat mixedcomm_forward_unpaired.fq.gz mixedcomm_reverse_unpaired.fq.gz >> out.extendedFrags.fastq

9.2.2 De novo assembly step

The pre-processed data now ready to be fed into the de novo assembler algorithm. We are using the same application (SPAdes) as we used earlier for a single genome assembly, but for this purpose the software package provides a metagenome specific assembler with certain optimisations specific to metagenomics data source. First, look at the command line help of the algorithm, than execute the script with our input data. We only define the number of CPU cores to use together with the 3 input files and the output directory for the results.

# Perform the de novo assembly step

metaspades.py -t 8 \
-1 out.notCombined_1.fastq \
-2 out.notCombined_2.fastq \
-s out.extendedFrags.fastq \
-o ../results/mixed_comm_de_novo &

Please note that we use the & symbol at the and of the command. This symbol tells the Unix / Linux system to put the run in the background and run the process even if we log out from the server. This is particularly helpful as the de novo assembly usually runs for long time. Even our simulated training data will run for about an hour, a real shotgun metagenomics data can easily provide the amount of raw reads to make the assembly step longer than a day even on a much higher spec computer (e.g., 56 or 67CPU cores).