6  QC k-mer and gene-set based methods

Activate your software environment

For this practical we need to activate the software environment called alignment:

mamba activate alignment

6.0.1 Standard quality control and pre-processing of shotgun metagenomics raw data

Before we perform any analysis on the raw data it is important to perform the basic quality control checks and if needed certain pre-processing and filtering steps to ensure that we are working with high quality data. When you open a new terminal in the training environment, your working directory should be the ~/Course_Materials folder. You can always check where you are in the filesystem by using the pwd command or just by checking your bash prompt.

Switch to the folder with the raw data, check the usage of the application and run fastqc on our first example raw data set (a pair of FASTQ files simulating a paired-end sequencing data).

cd sg_raw_data/
fastqc -h
fastqc mixed_bacterial_community_5M_R1.fastq.gz mixed_bacterial_community_5M_R2.fastq.gz
Inspect the output of the FastQC application

FastQC generatesgraphical output report in .html format. This is often placed (and archived) together with the raw data files, so the quality measures can be quickly checked in the case of future usage.

Open the Html files and go through the graphs, discuss what you see. For a future reference, and to see more examples (good and bad data), please visit the FastQC website

The next standard pre-processing step is to remove adapter, primer and other unwanted sequences from your reads. These sequence contents are side products of the next-generation sequencing technique, and as they are not coming from the template DNA, they can interfere from many downstream pipeline steps. One of the most commonly used tool for this purpose is cutadapt. Check the command line help for the application and run the filtering step on the raw sequencing data.

cutadapt -h

-o mixed_bacterial_community_5M_noadapt_R1.fastq.gz -p mixed_bacterial_community_5M_noadapt_R2.fastq.gz \
mixed_bacterial_community_5M_R1.fastq.gz mixed_bacterial_community_5M_R2.fastq.gz

The final standard pre-processing step is to remove bad quality sequencing from our raw data. Typically the 5’ and 3’ ends of the sequencing reads have lover quality (so it is worth to remove these ends), and it is also common that a few reads are in general bad quality. We will use the trimmomatic application to perform this quality filtering step, please refer to the on-line website or the command line help (trimmomatic -h) for more information on usage and fine-tuning.

trimmomatic PE -phred33 mixed_bacterial_community_5M_noadapt_R1.fastq.gz mixed_bacterial_community_5M_noadapt_R2.fastq.gz \
mixedcomm_forward_paired.fq.gz mixedcomm_forward_unpaired.fq.gz \
mixedcomm_reverse_paired.fq.gz mixedcomm_reverse_unpaired.fq.gz \
  • Please note, that we are defining output file names for both the filtered paired-end and unpaired reads. While our input is coming from a paired-end library, it is possible that one mate of a read pair has bad quality while the other mate is good enough to carry forward. In this case the good read will be carried forward as unpaired read.
  • To be able to use the trimmomatic tool efficiently, you have to have a good understanding of both the sequencing technique, the significance of potential errors and warnings listed in the FastQC report and the usage of the many different options and parameters in the trimmomatic application itself.
Re-analyse the filtered raw data with FastQC and compare it to the original report


Run the fastqc step again but this time giving the output files of the trimmomatic step to the application. Compare the reports and graphs and discuss the differences with the trainers.

To run the fastqc on the trimmomatic output, you just simply list the new file names after the command. The new .html files will be generated next to the files:

fastqc mixedcomm_forward_paired.fq.gz \
mixedcomm_forward_unpaired.fq.gz \
mixedcomm_reverse_paired.fq.gz \

6.1 Compositional mapping of shotgun metagenomics data

When we try to describe the composition of more complex communities the potential reference database would be so big using whole genomes (Bacteria + Archea + Fungi + Virus), so we apply different reduction strategies. The two main approaches are:(i) Finding biologically meaningful genetic signatures (e.g., genes that are only present in certain taxonomic group) and search for those in the raw data; (ii) extract numerous random short fragments from genomes and try to find exact matchings for those in the raw data.

6.1.1 MASH, a random k-mer based profiling method

There are several bioinformatics applications based on the extraction of multiple k-mers from genomes and then use those to detect the presence of these genomes in raw sequencing or assembled data from mixed microbial communities. The two most popular methods are MASH and Kraken2. K-mers are short (typically 14-30 nucleotides) DNA fragment that are randomly cut out from genomes. The number of k-mer per genome is between a few hundred and a few thousand depending on the required final sensitivity and specificity. If we take an average setting, where we extract 1000 random 21-mer fragments from an average bacterial genome (~5 million basepairs in length), we only cover less than 5% of the genome. While this is a significant reduction in term of information content, it can still be enough to identify species with good sensitivity and specificity. In the following practical, we will demonstrate the usage of mash, we will create our own databases of random k-mers (with different length and number of k-mers) and will also use some generic databases (originally created by using the NCBI RefSeq database).

First, let’s check the different functions of mash, look at their usage and inspect the RefSeq databases.


mash info sg_reference/RefSeqSketches.msh | head -n 20
mash info sg_reference/RefSeqSketchesDefaults.msh | head -n 20

mash sketch -h

We will create a new sketch file from the genomes we used to build up our synthetic community. While this sketch database will have very limited usage, we use this small set of genomes to demonstrate the process of sketching (random k-mer extraction). Doing the same process on meaningful (and potentially very large) databases would take much more time. First we examine the input data, then create a small and ‘light-weight’ database.

cd sg_reference/

less mixed_bacterial_community_ncbi_genomes.fasta
grep ">" mixed_bacterial_community_ncbi_genomes.fasta
grep ">" mixed_bacterial_community_ncbi_genomes.fasta | wc -l

mash sketch -i -s 500 -k 16 -o mixed_community mixed_bacterial_community_ncbi_genomes.fasta

# Compare the original fasta file size with the sketch size
ls -lh

mash info mixed_community.msh
Create a high resolution sketch database from the same input data


Modifying the options of mash sketch by extracting 5000 k-mers with the size of 21 nucleotides, and save it in an output file named mixed_community_hr (referring to high resolution). Compare the size of the two different sketch databases and the original FASTA file, print out the basic information about the new Sketch database. Refer to mash sketch -h if you need information on the different options.

mash sketch -i -s 5000 -k 21 -o mixed_community_hr mixed_bacterial_community_ncbi_genomes.fasta

ls -lh

mash info mixed_community_hr.msh

In the next part, you will learn how to profile a mixed community using mash screen. After looking at the general help for the command, you will test a scenario when you have either a full genome or just fragments of it. The second reference sequence (NZ_CP038419_1.fasta) you will screen with mash is not the full genome of the bacteria but only the collection of its genes. While bacterial genomes have low amount of non-coding DNA, the genome is still highly fragmented if each gene is separated to individual fasta records. Not exactly the same way but ending up with highly fragmented genomes in metagenomics studies is very common (especially in de novo assembly). It can happen, that the randomly extracted k-mer in the original genome was in a region that is split into two in the fragmenteg genome. In this case the search algorithm will not find a good match for that k-mer.


The output columns for mash screen are the following:

  • identity: level of similarity between the query and the database reference sequence
  • shared-hashes: number of matching hashes (k-mers) between the query and the database reference sequence
  • median-multiplicity
  • p-value of false detection
  • query-ID of the database entry
  • query-comment of the database entry
mash screen -h

less NZ_CP034931.fa
grep ">" NZ_CP034931.fa

less NZ_CP038419_1.fasta
grep -c ">" _NZ_CP038419_1.fasta

mash screen mixed_community.msh NZ_CP034931.fa
mash screen mixed_community.msh NZ_CP038419_1.fasta

Notice, that in both cases not only the query genome came up with high number of shared hashes. This is caused by high similarity between certain genomes but can be avoided by using the -w option. Please read more about this option in the application’s help mash screen -h or on the application’s website. Let’s try running the same commands with the -w option and compare the results

mash screen -w mixed_community.msh NZ_CP034931.fa
mash screen mixed_community.msh NZ_CP034931.fa

mash screen -w mixed_community.msh NZ_CP038419_1.fasta
mash screen mixed_community_hr.msh NZ_CP038419_1.fasta

In our previous examples, we used a database that was generated from the genomes we mixed together in the synthetic community against a single genome that we knew was in the synthetic community. This is rarely the case in real life settings, let’s try to screen our raw sequencing data with both our own database and the general RefSeq databases. For the bigger databases we can also try to speed up the process by using multiple CPU cores. Please note that we only print out the 50 best (based on identity level) hist from the big database screens, otherwise the terminal would be flooded with the results.

mash screen -w mixed_community_hr.msh \
../sg_raw_data/mixedcomm_forward_paired.fq.gz \

mash screen -w RefSeqSketchesDefaults.msh \
../sg_raw_data/mixedcomm_forward_paired.fq.gz \
../sg_raw_data/mixedcomm_reverse_paired.fq.gz | sort -gr -k 1 | head -n 50

mash screen -w RefSeqSketches.msh \
../sg_raw_data/mixedcomm_forward_paired.fq.gz \
../sg_raw_data/mixedcomm_reverse_paired.fq.gz | sort -gr -k 1 | head -n 50

6.1.2 MetaPhlAn, a marker gene based profiling method

MetaPhlAn is using a large set of marker genes (~5.1 million) to distinguish between different taxonomic groups (clades). The method can reliably identify genomes down to the species level, further resolution (down to strain level) is possible with the developer’s other algorithm StrainPhlAn. The application uses its own database of selected genes, and due to the large amount of information it uses, it requires a relatively powerful computer to run (at least 6-8 CPU cores and 32GB RAM is highly recommended).The installation and usage is very well documented on the GitHub site (link above).

We will do the basic profiling on our pre-processed raw data from the synthetic community and will inspect the output results.

metaphlan sg_raw_data/mixedcomm_forward_paired.fq.gz,sg_raw_data/mixedcomm_reverse_paired.fq.gz \
--bowtie2out results/metaphlan.bowtie2.bz2 --nproc 5 --input_type fastq -o results/profiled_metagenome.txt

less results/profiled_metagenome.txt

# let's save the species level taxonomic and abundance information for future comparison
grep "s__" results/profiled_metagenome.txt | grep -v "t__" > results/profiled_metagenome_sp_only.txt