5  SLURM Scheduler

Learning Objectives
  • Describe the role of a job scheduler on a HPC cluster.
  • Submit a simple job using SLURM and recognise where the output is saved to.
  • Edit job submission scripts to request non-default resources.
  • Use SLURM environment variables to customise scripts.
  • Monitor the progress of a job using commands such as squeue and seff.
  • Troubleshoot errors during and after job execution.

5.1 Job Scheduler Overview

As we briefly discussed in “Introduction to HPC”, HPC servers usually have a job scheduler software that manages all the jobs that the users submit to be run on the compute nodes. This allows efficient usage of the compute resources (CPUs and RAM), and the user does not have to worry about affecting other people’s jobs.

The job scheduler uses an algorithm to prioritise the jobs, weighing aspects such as:

  • How much time did you request to run your job?
  • How many resources (CPUs and RAM) do you need?
  • How many other jobs have you got running at the moment?

Based on these, the algorithm will rank each of the jobs in the queue to decide on a “fair” way to prioritise them. Note that this priority dynamically changes all the time, as jobs are submitted or cancelled by the users, and depending on how long they have been in the queue. For example, a job requesting many resources may start with a low priority, but the longer it waits in the queue, the more its priority increases.

In these materials we will cover a job scheduler called SLURM, however the way this scheduler works is very similar to other schedulers. The specific commands may differ, but the functionality is the same (see this document for matching commands to other job sheculers).

5.2 Submitting a Job with SLURM

To submit a job to SLURM, you need to include your code in a shell script. Let’s start with a minimal example, found in our workshop data folder “slurm”.

Our script is called simple_job.sh and contains the following code:


sleep 60 # hold for 60 seconds
echo "This job is running on:"

We can run this script from the login node using the bash interpreter (make sure you are in the correct directory first: cd ~/scratch/hpc_workshop/):

bash slurm/simple_job.sh

Which prints the output:

This job is running on:

To submit the job to the scheduler we instead use the sbatch command in a very similar way:

sbatch slurm/simple_job.sh

In this case, we are informed that the job is submitted to the SLURM queue. We can see all the jobs in the queue with:

  193   training  simple_j  particip   R  0:02      1  training-dy-t2medium-2

This gives a list of all the jobs running, with their “status” (ST column), which is usually:

  • PD for a pending job, meaning the job is waiting the queue to get started.
  • R for a running job, meaning the job is currently running on one of the compute nodes.

But if our job is running on a compute node, where does the output go? Instead of being printed to the terminal, the output of this script will be saved to a file. By default the file is named slurm-JOBID.out, where “JOBID” is a number corresponding to the job ID assigned to the job by the scheduler. This file will be located in the same directory where you launched the job from.

We can investigate the output by looking inside the file, for example cat slurm-JOBID.out.


The first line of the shell scripts #!/bin/bash is called a shebang and indicates which program should interpret this script. In this case, bash is the interpreter of shell scripts (there’s other shell interpreters, but that’s beyond what we need to worry about here).

Remember to always have this as the first line of your script. If you don’t, sbatch will throw an error.

5.3 Configuring Job Options

Although the above example works, our job just ran with the default options that SLURM was configured with. Instead, we usually want to customise our job, by specifying options at the top of the script using the #SBATCH keyword, followed by the SLURM option.

For example, one option we may want to change in our previous script is the name of the file to where our standard output is written to. We can do this using the -o option.

Here is how we could modify our script (you can do it using Nano or VS Code):

#SBATCH -o logs/simple_job.log

sleep 8 # hold for 8 seconds
echo "This job is running on:"

If we now re-run the script using sbatch test_job.sh, the output goes to a file named simple_job.log.

There are several other options we can specify when using SLURM, and we will encounter several more of them as we progress through the materials. Here are some of the most common ones (anything in <> is user input):

Command Description
-D <path> working directory used for the job. This is the directory that SLURM will use as a reference when running the job.
-o <path/filename> file where the output that would normally be printed on the console is saved in. This is defined relative to the working directory set above.
-A <name> billing account. This is sometimes needed if you’re using HPC servers that charge you for their use. This information should be provided by your HPC admins.
-p <name> partition name. See details in the following section.
-c <number> the number of CPUs you want to use for your job.
-t <HH:MM:SS> the time you need for your job to run. This is not always easy to estimate in advance, so if you’re unsure you may want to request a good chunk of time. However, the more time you request for your job, the lower its priority in the queue.
--mem=<number>GB how much RAM memory you want for your job in gigabytes.
-J <name> a name for the job.
Default Resources

If you don’t specify any options when submitting your jobs, you will get the default configured by the HPC admins. For example, in our training HPC, the defaults you will get are:

  • 1 minute of running time (equivalent to -t 00:01:00)
  • training partition (equivalent to -p training)
  • 1 CPU (equivalent to -c 1)
  • 1GB RAM (equivalent to --mem=1024M)

5.3.1 Partitions

Often, HPC servers have different types of compute node setups (e.g. queues for fast jobs, or long jobs, or high-memory jobs, etc.). SLURM calls these “partitions” and you can use the -p option to choose which partition your job runs on. Usually, which partitions are available on your HPC should be provided by the admins.

It’s worth keeping in mind that partitions have separate queues, and you should always try to choose the partition that is most suited to your job.

For example, on our training HPC we have to partitions with the following characteristics:

  • training partition (default)
    • Maximum 2 CPUs (default: 1)
    • Maximum 3928 MB RAM (default: 1024)
  • traininglarge partition
    • Maximum 8 CPUs (default: 1)
    • Maximum 31758 MB RAM (default: 1024)

5.4 Getting Job Information

After submitting a job, we may want to know:

  • What is going on with my job? Is it running or has it finished?
  • If it finished, did it finish successfully, or did it fail?
  • How many resources (e.g. RAM) did it use?
  • What if I want to cancel a job because I realised there was a mistake in my script?

We’ve already seen the squeue command to check the status of your jobs. Without any options you will get all jobs in the queue (yours and other users’), to see only your jobs you can do:

squeue -u <user>

This gives you information about the job’s status: PD means it’s pending (waiting in the queue) and R means it’s running on a compute node.

To see more information for a job (and whether it completed or failed), you can use:

seff JOBID

This shows you the status of the job (running, completed, failed), how many cores it used, how long it took to run and how much memory it used. Therefore, this command is very useful to determine suitable resources (e.g. RAM, time) next time you run a similar job.

Alternatively, you can use the sacct command, which allows displaying this and other information in a more condensed way (and for multiple jobs if you want to).

For example:

sacct --format JobName,Account,State,AllocCPUs,ReqMem,MaxRSS,AveRSS,Elapsed -j JOBID
  • JobName is the job’s name
  • Account is the account used for the job
  • State gives you the state of the job
  • AllocCPUs is the number of CPUs you requested for the job
  • ReqMem is the memory that you asked for (Mc or Gc indicates MB or GB per core; Mn or Gn indicates MB or GB per node)
  • MaxRSS is the maximum memory used during the job per core
  • AveRSS is the average memory used per core
  • Elapsed how much time it took to run your job

All the format options available with sacct can be listed using sacct -e.

If you forgot what your job id is, running sacct with no other options will show you information about the jobs that ran recently. If you want to know the ID of jobs that ran in a period of time, you can do:

sacct -S 2024-01-01 -E 2024-02-01 --format=JobID,JobName,Start,End,State

Here, -S is the start date and -E the end date of the time period you want to list jobs for. You can omit the -E option, in which case it will list all the jobs that ran up to the current date.


The sacct command may not be available on every HPC, as it depends on how it was configured by the admins.

You can also see more details about a job, such as the working directory and output directories, using:

scontrol show job <JOBID>

Finally, if you want to cancel a job, you can use:

scancel <JOBID>

And to cancel all your jobs simultaneously: scancel -u <USERNAME> (you will not be able to cancel other people’s jobs, so don’t worry about it).


When specifying the -o option, if the output directory for the log file does not exist, sbatch will fail without an error.

For example, let’s say that we would like to keep our job output files in a folder called “logs”. For the example above, we might set these #SBATCH options:

#SBATCH -D /home/YOUR-USERNAME/scratch/hpc_workshop/
#SBATCH -o logs/simple_job.log

But, unless we create the logs/ directory before running the job, sbatch will fail without telling us why.

Another thing to note is that you should not use the ~ home directory shortcut with the -D option. For example:

#SBATCH -D ~/scratch/hpc_workshop/

Will not work, instead you should use the full path, for example:

#SBATCH -D /home/YOUR-USERNAME/scratch/hpc_workshop/

5.4.1 Exercise: Submit SLURM job


Make sure you are in the workshop folder (cd ~/scratch/hpc_workshop).

In the “scripts” directory, you will find an R script called pi_estimator.R. This script tries to get an approximate estimate for the number Pi using a stochastic algorithm.

How does the algorithm work?

If you are interested in the details, here is a short description of what the script does:

The program generates a large number of random points on a 1×1 square centered on (½,½), and checks how many of these points fall inside the unit circle. On average, π/4 of the randomly-selected points should fall in the circle, so π can be estimated from 4f, where f is the observed fraction of points that fall in the circle. Because each sample is independent, this algorithm is easily implemented in parallel.

Estimating Pi by randomly placing points on a quarter circle. (Source: HPC Carpentry)

If you were running this script interactively (i.e. directly from the console), you would use the R script interpreter: Rscript scripts/pi_estimator.R. Instead, we use a shell script to submit this to the job scheduler.

  1. Edit the shell script in slurm/estimate_pi.sh by correcting your username in the working directory path (under #SBATCH -D). Submit the job to SLURM and check its status in the queue.
  2. Did your job run successfully, and how long did it take to run?
  3. The number of samples used to estimate Pi can be modified using the --nsamples option of our script, defined in millions. The more samples we use, the more precise our estimate should be.
    • Adjust your SLURM submission script to use 50 million samples (Rscript scripts/pi_estimator.R --nsamples 50), and save the job output in logs/estimate_pi_50M.log.
    • Monitor the job status with squeue and seff JOBID. Do you find any issues? How would you fix it?
  • Use seff JOBID or scontrol show job JOBID to see job details.


In the shell script we needed to correct the path specified in the #SBATCH -D option, which defines the working directory that SLURM will run our code from. We needed to replace “FIX-YOUR-USERNAME” with our actual username.

We could then submit the script using sbatch slurm/estimate_pi.sh. And check the status of the job with squeue -u USERNAME (using our respective username).

Because the job runs very fast, we may not have time to see it in the queue at all. However, we can check if it ran successfully in the next step.


As suggested in the hint, we can use the seff or scontrol commands to check whether our job was successful and how long it took:

seff JOBID
scontrol show job JOBID

Replacing JOBID with the ID of the job we just ran.

If you cannot remember what the job id was, you can run sacct with no other options and it will list the last few jobs that you ran.

Sometimes it may happen that the “Memory Utilized” is reported as 0.00MB or a lower value than you would expect. That’s very odd, since for sure our script must have used some memory to do the computation. The reason is that SLURM doesn’t always have time to pick memory usage spikes, and so it reports a zero. This is usually not an issue with longer-running jobs.


The modified script should look similar to this:

#SBATCH -p training 
#SBATCH -D /home/USERNAME/scratch/hpc_workshop/  # working directory
#SBATCH -o logs/estimate_pi_50M.log  # standard output file
#SBATCH -c 1        # number of CPUs. Default: 1
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00 # time for the job HH:MM:SS.

# run the script
Rscript scripts/pi_estimator.R --nsamples 50

However, when we run this job, examining the output file (cat logs/estimate_pi_50M.log) will reveal an error indicating that our job was killed.

/var/spool/slurmd/job02038/slurm_script: line 9:  6682 Killed                  Rscript scripts/pi_estimator.R --nsamples 50
slurmstepd: error: Detected 1 oom-kill event(s) in StepId=2038.batch cgroup. Some of your processes may have been killed by the cgroup out-of-memory handler.

Furthermore, if we use seff to get information about the job, it will show State: OUT_OF_MEMORY (exit code 0).

This suggests that the job required more memory than we requested. We can also check this by seeing what seff reports as “Memory Utilized” and see that it exceeded the requested 1GB (although sometimes it shows much less than that, if it ran too fast and SLURM didn’t register the memory usage peak).

To correct this problem, we would need to increase the memory requested to SLURM, adding to our script, for example, #SBATCH --mem=3G to request 3Gb of RAM memory for the job.

5.5 SLURM Environment Variables

One useful feature of SLURM jobs is the automatic creation of environment variables. Generally speaking, variables are a character that store a value within them, and can either be created by us, or sometimes they are automatically created by programs or available by default in our shell.

An example of a common shell environment variable is $HOME, which stores the path to the user’s /home directory. We can print the value of a variable with echo $HOME.

The syntax to create a variable ourselves is:


Notice that there should be no space between the variable name and its value.

If you want to create a variable with the result of evaluating a command, then the syntax is:


Try these examples:

# Make a variable with a path starting from the user's /home

# list files in that directory

# create a variable with the output of that command

When you submit a job with SLURM, it creates several variables, all starting with the prefix $SLURM_. One useful variable is $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK, which stores how many CPUs we requested for our job. This means that we can use the variable to automatically set the number of CPUs for software that support multi-processing. We will see an example in the following exercise.

Here is a table summarising some of the most useful environment variables that SLURM creates:

Variable Description
$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK Number of CPUs requested with -c
$SLURM_JOB_NAME The name of the job defined with -J
$SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR The working directory defied with -D
$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID The number of the sub-job when running parallel arrays (covered in the Job Arrays section)

5.5.1 Exercise: SLURM environment variables


Make sure you are in the workshop folder (cd ~/scratch/hpc_workshop).

The R script used in the previous exercise supports parallelisation of some of its internal computations. The number of CPUs used by the script can be modified using the --ncpus option. For example pi_estimator.R --nsamples 200 --ncpus 2 would use two CPUs.

  1. Modify your submission script (slurm/estimate_pi.sh) to:
    1. Use the traininglarge partition (the nodes in the default training partition only have 2 CPUs).
    2. Use the $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK variable to set the number of CPUs used by pi_estimator.R (and ensure you have set --nsamples 200 as well).
    3. Request 10G of RAM memory for the job.
    4. Bonus (optional): use echo within the script to print a message indicating the job number (SLURM’s job ID is stored in the variable $SLURM_JOB_ID).
  2. Submit the job three times, each one using 1, 2 and then 8 CPUs. Make a note of each job’s ID.
  3. Check how much time each job took to run (using seff JOBID). Did increasing the number of CPUs shorten the time it took to run?


We can modify our submission script in the following manner, for example for using 2 CPUs:

#SBATCH -p traininglarge     # partiton name
#SBATCH -D /home/USERNAME/scratch/hpc_workshop/  # working directory
#SBATCH -o logs/estimate_pi_200M.log      # output file
#SBATCH --mem=10G
#SBATCH -c 2                          # number of CPUs

# launch the Pi estimator script using the number of CPUs that we are requesting from SLURM
Rscript scripts/pi_estimator.R --nsamples 200 --ncpus $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK

To run the job each time, we modify the #SBATCH -c option, save the file and then re-submit it with sbatch slurm/estimate_pi.sh.

After running each job we can use seff JOBID command to obtain information about how long it took to run.

Alternatively, since we want to compare several jobs, we could also have used sacct like this:

sacct -o JobID,elapsed -j JOBID1,JOBID2,JOBID3

In this case, it does seem that increasing the number of CPUs shortens the time the job takes to run. However, the increase is not linear at all. For example going from 1 to 2 CPUs seems to make the job run faster, however increasing to 8 CPUs makes little difference compared to 2 CPUs (this may depend on how many --nsamples you used). This is possibly because there are other computational costs to do with this kind of parallelisation (e.g. keeping track of what each parallel thread is doing).

5.6 Interactive Login

Sometimes it may be useful to directly get a terminal on one of the compute nodes. This may be useful, for example, if you want to test some scripts or run some code that you think might be too demanding for the login node (e.g. to compress some files).

It is possible to get interactive access to a terminal on one of the compute nodes using the sintr command. This command takes options similar to the sbatch program, so you can request resources in the same way you would when submitting scripts.

For example, to access to 8 CPUs and 10GB of RAM for 1h on one of the compute nodes we would do:

sintr -c 8 --mem=10G -p traininglarge -t 01:00:00

You may get a message saying that SLURM is waiting to allocate your request (you go in the queue, just like any other job!). Eventually, when you get in, you will notice that your terminal will indicate you are on a different node (different from the login node). You can check by running hostname.

After you’re in, you can run any commands you wish, without worrying about affecting other users’ work. Once you are finished, you can use the command exit to terminate the session, and you will go back to the login node.

Note that, if the time you requested (with the -t option) runs out, your session will be immediately killed.

Use interactive jobs ethically

The main purpose of interactive jobs is to quickly test code or to run routine tasks such as compressing/uncompressing large files. You should not use interactive jobs for your actual analysis.

The main reason is that interactive jobs require users to actively monitor and manage their tasks, which may not be the most efficient use of their time. This may also result in congesting the job queue, causing delays for other users with batch jobs waiting to be processed. Furthermore, batch jobs can be scheduled to run during off-peak hours, allowing users to focus on other tasks while their computations are being processed.

For this reason, some HPC clusters are configured to limit the time for interactive jobs (for example, at Cambridge University these are limited to 1h).

5.7 Summary

Key Points
  • Include the commands you want to run on the HPC in a shell script.
    • Always remember to include #!/bin/bash as the first line of your script.
  • Submit jobs to the scheduler using sbatch submission_script.sh.
  • Customise the jobs by including #SBATCH options at the top of your script (see table in the materials above for a summary of options).
    • As a good practice, always define an output file with #SBATCH -o. All the information about the job will be saved in that file, including any errors.
  • Check the status of a submitted job by using squeue -u USERNAME and seff JOBID.
  • To cancel a running job use scancel JOBID.

See this SLURM cheatsheet for a summary of the available commands.