6  Paired data

Learning outcomes


  • When do I perform a paired two-sample test?
  • What are the assumptions?
  • How do I interpret and present the results of the test?
  • How do I deal with paired non-normal data?


  • Set out your hypothesis for comparing two paired samples of continuous data
  • Be able to summarise and visualise the data
  • Understand and assess the underlying assumptions of the test
  • Perform a paired two-sample t-test
  • Be able to interpret and report the results
  • Be able to do these steps on non-normal data

A paired t-test is used when we have two samples of continuous data that can be paired (examples of these sort of data would be weights of individuals before and after a diet). This test is applicable if the number of paired points within the samples is large (>30) or, if the number of points is small, then this test also works when the parent distributions are normally distributed.

6.1 Libraries and functions

6.1.1 Libraries

# A collection of R packages designed for data science

# Converts stats functions to a tidyverse-friendly format

6.1.2 Functions

# Performs a one-sample t-test, Student's t-test
# and Welch's t-test in later sections

# Performs a Shapiro-Wilk test for normality

# Performs one and two sample Wilcoxon tests

# Plots a Q-Q plot for comparison with a normal distribution

# Adds a comparison line to the Q-Q plot

# Plots jittered points by adding a small amount of random
# variation to each point, to handle overplotting

# Computes summary statistics                         

# "Widens" the data, increasing the number of columns
Libraries Description
plotnine The Python equivalent of ggplot2.
pandas A Python data analysis and manipulation tool.
pingouin A Python module developed to have simple yet exhaustive stats functions
Functions Description
pandas.DataFrame.read_csv Reads in a .csv file
pandas.DataFrame.pivot() Return reshaped DataFrame organised by given index / column values.
pingouin.normality() Performs the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality.
pingouin.ttest() Performs a t-test
plotnine.stats.stat_qq() Plots a Q-Q plot for comparison with a normal distribution.
plotnine.stats.stat_qq_line() Adds a comparison line to the Q-Q plot.

6.2 Data and hypotheses

For example, suppose we measure the cortisol levels in 20 adult females (nmol/l) first thing in the morning and again in the evening. We want to test whether the cortisol levels differs between the two measurement times. We will initially form the following null and alternative hypotheses:

  • H0: There is no difference in cortisol level between times (μM=μE)
  • H1: There is a difference in cortisol levels between times (μMμE)

We use a two-sample, two-tailed paired t-test to see if we can reject the null hypothesis.

  • We use a two-sample test because we now have two samples
  • We use a two-tailed t-test because we want to know if our data suggest that the true (population) means are different from one another rather than that one mean is specifically bigger or smaller than the other
  • We use a paired test because each data point in the first sample can be linked to another data point in the second sample by a connecting factor
  • We’re using a t-test because we’re assuming that the parent populations are normal and have equal variance (We’ll check this in a bit)

The data are stored in a tidy format in the file data/CS1-twopaired.csv.

# load the data
cortisol <- read_csv("data/CS1-twopaired.csv")
Rows: 40 Columns: 3
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): time
dbl (2): patient_id, cortisol

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# have a look at the data
# A tibble: 40 × 3
   patient_id time    cortisol
        <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>
 1          1 morning     311.
 2          2 morning     146.
 3          3 morning     297 
 4          4 morning     271.
 5          5 morning     268.
 6          6 morning     264.
 7          7 morning     358.
 8          8 morning     316.
 9          9 morning     336.
10         10 morning     221.
# ℹ 30 more rows
# load the data
cortisol_py = pd.read_csv('data/CS1-twopaired.csv')

# inspect the data
   patient_id     time  cortisol
0           1  morning     310.6
1           2  morning     146.1
2           3  morning     297.0
3           4  morning     270.9
4           5  morning     267.5

We can see that the data frame consists of three columns:

  1. patient_id, a unique ID for each patient
  2. time when the cortisol level was measured
  3. cortisol, which contains the measured value.

For each patient_id there are two measurements: one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

6.3 Summarise and visualise

It’s always a good idea to visualise your data, so let’s do that.

# create a boxplot
       aes(x = time, y = cortisol)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  geom_jitter(width = 0.05) +
  ylab("Cortisol level (nmol/l)")

Here we use also visualise the actual data points, to get a sense of how these data are spread out. To avoid overlapping the data points (try using geom_point() instead of geom_jitter()), we jitter the data points. What geom_jitter() does is add a small amount of variation to each point.

        aes(x = "time",
            y = "cortisol")) +
     geom_boxplot() +
     geom_jitter(width = 0.05) +
     ylab("Cortisol level (nmol/l)"))

However, this plot does not capture how the cortisol level of each individual subject has changed though. We can explore the individual changes between morning and evening by looking at the differences between the two times of measurement for each patient.

To do this, we need to put our data into a wide format, so we can calculate the change in cortisol level for each patient.

In tidyverse we can use the pivot_wider() function.

# calculate the difference between evening and morning values
cortisol_diff <- cortisol %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = patient_id,
              names_from = time,
              values_from = cortisol) %>% 
  mutate(cortisol_change = evening - morning)

# A tibble: 20 × 4
   patient_id morning evening cortisol_change
        <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>           <dbl>
 1          1    311.   273.            -37.4
 2          2    146.    65.7           -80.4
 3          3    297    257.            -40.4
 4          4    271.   321              50.1
 5          5    268.    80.3          -187. 
 6          6    264.   379.            116. 
 7          7    358.   163.           -195. 
 8          8    316.   294.            -22  
 9          9    336.   140.           -196. 
10         10    221.   231.             10.4
11         11    366    131.           -235. 
12         12    256.   114.           -142. 
13         13    432.   217.           -215. 
14         14    208.    60.1          -148. 
15         15    324.   199.           -125. 
16         16    388.   170.           -218. 
17         17    332    160.           -172. 
18         18    414.   179.           -235. 
19         19    405.   286            -119. 
20         20    356.   226.           -130. 

There are three arguments in pivot_wider():

  1. id_cols = patient_id tells it that each observational unit is determined by patient_id
  2. names_from = time says that there will be new columns, with names from the time column (in this case, there are two values in there, morning and evening)
  3. values_from = cortisol populates the new columns with the values coming from the cortisol column

Lastly, we create a new column cortisol_change that contains the difference between the evening and morning measurements.

After this we can plot our data:

# plot the data
       aes(y = cortisol_change)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  ylab("Change in cortisol (nmol/l)")

The differences in cortisol levels appear to be very much less than zero, meaning that the evening cortisol levels appear to be much lower than the morning ones. As such we would expect that the test would give a pretty significant result.

An alternative representation would be to plot the data points for both evening and morning and connect them by patient:

# plot cortisol levels by patient
       aes(x = time,
           y = cortisol,
           group = patient_id)) +
  geom_point() +

This gives a similar picture to what the boxplot was telling us, that for most patients the cortisol levels are higher in the morning than in the evening.

# reformat the data into a 'wide' format
cortisol_diff_py = pd.pivot(cortisol_py, index = "patient_id", columns = "time", values = "cortisol")

# add a new column with difference between
# evening and morning cortisol levels
cortisol_diff_py["cortisol_change"] = cortisol_diff_py["evening"].subtract(cortisol_diff_py["morning"])
# have a look at the format
time        evening  morning  cortisol_change
1             273.2    310.6            -37.4
2              65.7    146.1            -80.4
3             256.6    297.0            -40.4
4             321.0    270.9             50.1
5              80.3    267.5           -187.2

After this we can plot our data:

# plot the data
        aes(x = "1",
            y = "cortisol_change")) +
     geom_boxplot() +
     ylab("Change in cortisol (nmol/l)"))

The differences in cortisol levels appear to be very much less than zero, meaning that the evening cortisol levels appear to be much lower than the morning ones. As such we would expect that the test would give a pretty significant result.

An alternative representation would be to plot the data points for both evening and morning and connect them by patient:

# plot cortisol levels by patient
        aes(x = "time",
            y = "cortisol",
            group = "patient_id")) +
     geom_point() +

This gives a similar picture to what the boxplot was telling us, that for most patients the cortisol levels are higher in the morning than in the evening.

6.4 Assumptions

You will do this in the exercise!

6.5 Implement and interpret the test

Perform a two-sample, two-tailed, paired t-test:

# perform the test
t_test(cortisol ~ time,
       alternative = "two.sided",
       paired = TRUE,
       data = cortisol)
  • The first argument must be in the formula format: response ~ predictor
  • The alternative argument gives the type of alternative hypothesis and must be one of two.sided, greater or less
  • The paired = TRUE argument indicates that the data are paired

From our perspective the value of interest in the output is the p (5.29^{-5}).

To perform a paired t-test we can use the same pg.ttest() as before, but set the argument paired = True.

Annoyingly, the output is not entirely visible because the data frame is too wide. To deal with that, we can simply transpose it with transpose()

         alternative = "two-sided",
         paired = True).transpose()
T                     -5.18329
dof                         19
alternative          two-sided
p-val                 0.000053
CI95%        [-162.96, -69.21]
cohen-d               1.434359
BF10                   491.599
power                  0.99998

From our perspective the value of interest is the p-val.

Since the p-value = 5.29 × 10-5) and thus substantially less than 0.05 we can reject the null hypothesis and state:

A two-tailed, paired t-test indicated that the average cortisol level in adult females differed significantly between the morning (313.5 nmol/l) and the evening (197.4 nmol/l, p = 5.3 * 10-5).

6.6 Dealing with non-normal data

The example above assumes that the paired data come from parent distributions that are normal. As we’ve seen before, we may have data where we can’t rely on that assumption. Fortunately, there is very little that we need to change in our approach if we want to analyse paired data that violate the assumption of normality.

As with the non-normal two-sample data, there is the underlying assumption that the parent distributions of the samples are comparable in shape and variance.

6.6.1 Data and hypotheses

Using the cortisol data from before we form the following null and alternative hypotheses:

  • H0: The median of the difference in cortisol levels between the two groups is 0 (μM=μE)
  • H1: The median of the difference in cortisol levels between the two groups is not 0 (μMμE)

We use a two-tailed Wilcoxon signed rank test to see if we can reject the null hypothesis.

6.6.2 Summarise and visualise

Already implemented previously.

6.6.3 Assumptions

These have been checked previously.

6.6.4 Implement and interpret the test

Perform a two-tailed, Wilcoxon signed rank test:

wilcox_test(cortisol ~ time,
            alternative = "two.sided",
            paired = TRUE,
            data = cortisol)
# A tibble: 1 × 7
  .y.      group1  group2     n1    n2 statistic        p
* <chr>    <chr>   <chr>   <int> <int>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 cortisol evening morning    20    20        13 0.000168
  • The first argument must be in the formula format: response ~ predictor
  • The alternative argument gives the type of alternative hypothesis and must be one of two.sided, greater or less
  • The paired = TRUE argument indicates that the data are paired

We’ll use the wide format data set that we created previously:

pg.wilcoxon(x = cortisol_diff_py["evening"],
            y = cortisol_diff_py["morning"],
            alternative = "two-sided",
            correction = True)
          W-val alternative     p-val      RBC  CLES
Wilcoxon   13.0   two-sided  0.000168 -0.87619  0.16

The p-value is given in the p column (p-value = 0.000168). Given that this is less than 0.05 we can still reject the null hypothesis.

A two-tailed, Wilcoxon signed rank test indicated that the median cortisol level in adult females differed significantly between the morning (320.5 nmol/l) and the evening (188.9 nmol/l, p = 0.00017).

6.7 Exercises

6.7.1 Cortisol levels

Exercise 1


Check the assumptions necessary for this this paired t-test. Was a paired t-test an appropriate test?

We actually don’t care too much about the distributions of the individual groups. Instead we care about the properties of the differences. So for a paired t-test to be valid for this data set, we need the differences between the morning and evening values to be normally distributed.

Let’s check this with the Shapiro-Wilk test and Q-Q plots, using the wide data frames we created earlier.

Perform Shapiro-Wilk test:

# perform Shapiro-Wilk test on cortisol differences

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  cortisol_diff$cortisol_change
W = 0.92362, p-value = 0.1164

Create Q-Q plot:

# create the Q-Q plot
       aes(sample = cortisol_change)) +
  stat_qq() +
  stat_qq_line(colour = "blue")

Perform Shapiro-Wilk test:

# perform Shapiro-Wilk test on cortisol differences
                        W      pval  normal
cortisol_change  0.923622  0.116355    True

Create Q-Q plot:

# create the Q-Q plot
        aes(sample = "cortisol_change")) +
     stat_qq() +
     stat_qq_line(colour = "red"))

The Shapiro-Wilk test says that the data are normal enough and whilst the Q-Q plot is mostly fine, there is some suggestion of snaking at the bottom left. I’m actually OK with this because the suggestion of snaking is actually only due to a single point (the last point on the left). If you cover that point up with your thumb (or finger of your choice) then the remaining points in the Q-Q plot look pretty darn good, and so the suggestion of snaking is actually driven by only a single point (which can happen by chance). As such I’m happy that the assumption of normality is well-met in this case. This single point check is a useful thing to remember when assessing diagnostic plots.

So, yep, a paired t-test is appropriate for this data set.

6.7.2 Deer legs

Exercise 2


Using the following data on deer legs (yes, really!), test the null hypothesis that the fore and hind legs of the deer in this data set are the same length.

# A tibble: 10 × 2
   hindleg foreleg
     <dbl>   <dbl>
 1     142     138
 2     140     136
 3     144     147
 4     144     139
 5     142     143
 6     146     141
 7     149     143
 8     150     145
 9     142     136
10     148     146

Do these results provide any evidence to suggest that fore- and hind-leg length differ in deer?

  1. Write down the null and alternative hypotheses
  2. Import the data from data/CS1-deer.csv
  3. Summarise and visualise the data
  4. Check your assumptions (normality and variance) using appropriate tests
  5. Discuss with your (virtual) neighbour which test is most appropriate?
  6. Perform the test
  7. Write down a sentence that summarises the results that you have found


H0 : foreleg average (mean or median) = hindleg average (mean or median)

H1 : foreleg average hindleg average

Import data, summarise and visualise

First of all, we need to load in the data.

# load the data
deer <- read_csv("data/CS1-deer.csv")

# have a look
# A tibble: 20 × 3
      id leg     length
   <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>
 1     1 hindleg    142
 2     2 hindleg    140
 3     3 hindleg    144
 4     4 hindleg    144
 5     5 hindleg    142
 6     6 hindleg    146
 7     7 hindleg    149
 8     8 hindleg    150
 9     9 hindleg    142
10    10 hindleg    148
11     1 foreleg    138
12     2 foreleg    136
13     3 foreleg    147
14     4 foreleg    139
15     5 foreleg    143
16     6 foreleg    141
17     7 foreleg    143
18     8 foreleg    145
19     9 foreleg    136
20    10 foreleg    146

The ordering of the data is important here; the first hind leg row corresponds to the first fore leg row, the second to the second and so on. To indicate this we use an id column, where each observation has a unique ID.

Let’s look at the data and see what it tells us.

# summarise the data
       id           leg                length     
 Min.   : 1.0   Length:20          Min.   :136.0  
 1st Qu.: 3.0   Class :character   1st Qu.:140.8  
 Median : 5.5   Mode  :character   Median :143.0  
 Mean   : 5.5                      Mean   :143.1  
 3rd Qu.: 8.0                      3rd Qu.:146.0  
 Max.   :10.0                      Max.   :150.0  

We can also summarise some of the main summary statistics for each type of leg. We don’t need summary statistics for the id column, so we unselect it with select(-id).

To make life easy we use the get_summary_stats() function from the rstatix package. Have a look at the help function to see what kind of summary statistics it can produce. In this case I’m using the type = "common" option to specify that I want to find commonly used statistics (e.g. sample number, min, max, median, mean etc.)

# or even summarise by leg type
deer %>% 
  select(-id) %>% 
  group_by(leg) %>% 
  get_summary_stats(type = "common")
# A tibble: 2 × 11
  leg     variable     n   min   max median   iqr  mean    sd    se    ci
  <chr>   <fct>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 foreleg length      10   136   147    142  6.25  141.  4.03  1.27  2.88
2 hindleg length      10   140   150    144  5.5   145.  3.40  1.08  2.43

Visualising the data is often more useful:

# we can also visualise the data
       aes(x = leg, y = length)) +

All of this suggests that there might be a difference between the legs, with hind legs being longer than forelegs. However, this representation obscures the fact that we have paired data. What we really need to look at is the difference in leg length for each observation:

# create a data set that contains the difference in leg length
leg_diff <- deer %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = id,
              names_from = leg,
              values_from = length) %>% 
  mutate(leg_diff = hindleg - foreleg)
# plot the difference in leg length
       aes(y = leg_diff)) +

Additionally, we can also plot the data by observation:

# plot the data by observation
       aes(x = leg, y = length, group = id)) +
  geom_point() +

# load the data
deer_py = pd.read_csv("data/CS1-deer.csv")

# have a look
   id      leg  length
0   1  hindleg     142
1   2  hindleg     140
2   3  hindleg     144
3   4  hindleg     144
4   5  hindleg     142

The ordering of the data is important here; the first hind leg row corresponds to the first fore leg row, the second to the second and so on. To indicate this we use an id column, where each observation has a unique ID.

Let’s look at the data and see what we can see.

# summarise the data
              id      length
count  20.000000   20.000000
mean    5.500000  143.050000
std     2.946898    4.006245
min     1.000000  136.000000
25%     3.000000  140.750000
50%     5.500000  143.000000
75%     8.000000  146.000000
max    10.000000  150.000000

We can also summarise by leg type:

         count   mean       std    min     25%    50%    75%    max
foreleg   10.0  141.4  4.033196  136.0  138.25  142.0  144.5  147.0
hindleg   10.0  144.7  3.400980  140.0  142.00  144.0  147.5  150.0

It might be more helpful to look at the difference in leg length. In order to calculate that, we need to reformat our data into a ‘wide’ format first:

# reformat the data into a 'wide' format
leg_diff_py = pd.pivot(deer_py,
                       index = "id",
                       columns = "leg",
                       values = "length")

# have a look at the format
leg  foreleg  hindleg
1        138      142
2        136      140
3        147      144
4        139      144
5        143      142

Next, we can add a new column leg_diff that contains the leg difference:

# add a new column with difference between
# hind and fore leg length
leg_diff_py["leg_diff"] = leg_diff_py["hindleg"].subtract(leg_diff_py["foreleg"])

Finally, we can visualise this:

# we can also visualise the data
        aes(x = "1",
            y = "leg_diff")) +

All of this suggests that there might be a difference between the legs, with hind legs being longer than forelegs. However, this representation obscures the fact that we have paired data. What we really need to look at is the difference in leg length for each observation:

# plot paired observations
        aes(x = "leg",
            y = "length",
            group = "id")) +
     geom_point() +

All of this gives us a much clearer picture. It looks as though the hindlegs are about 4 cm longer than the forelegs, on average. It also suggests that our leg differences might not be normally distributed (the data look a bit skewed in the boxplot).


We need to consider the distribution of the difference in leg lengths rather than the individual distributions.

Shapiro-Wilk test:

# perform Shapiro-Wilk test on leg differences

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  leg_diff$leg_diff
W = 0.81366, p-value = 0.02123

Q-Q plot:

# create a Q-Q plot
       aes(sample = leg_diff)) +
  stat_qq() +
  stat_qq_line(colour = "blue")

Shapiro-Wilk test:

# perform Shapiro-Wilk test on leg length differences
                 W      pval  normal
leg_diff  0.813656  0.021235   False

Create the Q-Q plot:

# create the Q-Q plot
        aes(sample = "leg_diff")) +
     stat_qq() +
     stat_qq_line(colour = "red"))

Both our Shapiro-Wilk test and our Q-Q plot suggest that the difference data aren’t normally distributed, which rules out a paired t-test. We should therefore consider a paired Wilcoxon signed rank test next. Remember that this test requires that the distribution of differences be of a similar shape, whereas our box plot from before suggested that the data were very much skewed.

This means that we’re not able to perform a paired Wilcoxon signed rank test either!


So, frustratingly, neither of the tests at our disposal are appropriate for this data set. The differences in fore leg and hind leg lengths are neither normal enough for a paired t-test nor are they symmetric enough for a Wilcoxon signed rank test. We also don’t have enough data to just use the t-test (we’d need more than 30 points or so). So what do we do in this situation? Well, the answer is that there aren’t actually any traditional statistical tests that are valid for this data set as it stands!

There are two options available to someone:

  1. try transforming the raw data (take logs, square root, reciprocals) and hope that one of them leads to a modified data set that satisfies the assumptions of one of the tests we’ve covered, or
  2. use a permutation test approach (which would work but is beyond the scope of this course).

The reason I included this example in the first practical is purely to illustrate how a very simple data set with an apparently clear message (leg lengths differ within deer) can be intractable. You don’t need to have very complex data sets before you go beyond the capabilities of classical statistics.

As Jeremy Clarkson would put it:

And on that bombshell, it’s time to end. Goodnight!

6.8 Summary

Key points
  • Paired t-tests are used when you have two paired samples of continuous data, which are normally distributed and have equal variance
  • A good way of assessing the assumption of normality is by checking the data against a Q-Q plot
  • We can check equality of variance (homoscedasticity) with Bartlett’s (normal data) or Levene’s (non-normal data) test
  • The Wilcoxon signed rank test is used when you have two paired samples of continuous data, which are not normally distributed (but have comparable distributional shapes), and have equal variance.