BBS - Linear models


Vicki Hodgson, Martin van Rongen


These materials are part of the NST Part II BBS Bioinformatics course at the University of Cambridge, UK.

Learning Objectives
  • TBD

Target Audience

Undergraduate students on the NST Part II BBS Bioinformatics course.


Proficient in use of R.


Exercises in these materials are labelled according to their level of difficulty:

Level Description
Exercises in level 1 are simpler and designed to get you familiar with the concepts and syntax covered in the course.
Exercises in level 2 combine different concepts together and apply it to a given task.
Exercises in level 3 require going beyond the concepts and syntax introduced to solve new problems.


About the author(s):

  • Vicki Hodgson
    Affiliation: Bioinformatics Training Facility, University of Cambridge
    Roles: writing - review & editing; conceptualisation; coding
  • Martin van Rongen
    Affiliation: Bioinformatics Training Facility, University of Cambridge
    Roles: writing - original draft, review & editing; conceptualisation; coding


  • List any other sources of materials that were used.
  • Or other people that may have advised during the material development (but are not authors).