Course Development Guidelines


Alexia Cardona, Hugo Tavares, Martin van Rongen


September 4, 2024


Include a one-paragraph summary of the course here.

Learning Objectives
  • List course learning objectives here.
  • These describe concepts the learners should grasp and techniques they should be able to use by the end of the course.
  • You can think of these as completing the phrase “after this course, the participant should be able to…”
  • They are not supposed to be as detailed as the learning objectives of each section, but more high-level.

Target Audience

Brief description of target audience here.


Detail any prerequisite skills needed to attend this course, with links to other relevant materials/courses if possible.


Exercises in these materials are labelled according to their level of difficulty:

Level Description
Exercises in level 1 are simpler and designed to get you familiar with the concepts and syntax covered in the course.
Exercises in level 2 combine different concepts together and apply it to a given task.
Exercises in level 3 require going beyond the concepts and syntax introduced to solve new problems.

Citation & Authors

Please cite these materials if:

  • You adapted or used any of them in your own teaching.
  • These materials were useful for your research work. For example, you can cite us in the methods section of your paper: “We carried our analyses based on the recommendations in YourReferenceHere”.

You can cite these materials as:

Tavares, H., van Rongen, M., Cardona, A. (2024). Course Development Guidelines.

Or in BibTeX format:

  author = {Tavares, Hugo and van Rongen, Martin and Cardona, Alexia},
  month = {8},
  title = {Course Development Guidelines},
  url = {},
  year = {2024}

About the authors:

  • Hugo Tavares
    Affiliation: Cambridge Centre for Research Informatics Training
    Roles: writing - original draft; conceptualisation; software
  • Martin van Rongen
    Affiliation: Cambridge Centre for Research Informatics Training
    Roles: writing - review & editing; conceptualisation; software
  • Alexia Cardona
    Affiliation: Cambridge Centre for Research Informatics Training
    Roles: conceptualisation


  • List any other sources of materials that were used.
  • Or other people that may have advised during the material development (but are not authors).